Source code for instaseis.database_interfaces.base_netcdf_instaseis_db

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python library to extract seismograms from a set of wavefields generated by

    Martin van Driel (, 2020
    Lion Krischer (, 2020
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 [non-commercial/academic use]
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import collections

import numpy as np
from obspy.signal.util import next_pow_2
import os

from .base_instaseis_db import BaseInstaseisDB
from .. import finite_elem_mapping
from .. import helpers
from .. import rotations
from .. import sem_derivatives
from .. import spectral_basis

ElementInfo = collections.namedtuple(

Coordinates = collections.namedtuple("Coordinates", ["s", "phi", "z"])

[docs]class BaseNetCDFInstaseisDB(BaseInstaseisDB, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for extracting seismograms from a local Instaseis netCDF database. """ def __init__( self, db_path, buffer_size_in_mb=100, read_on_demand=False, *args, **kwargs, ): """ :param db_path: Path to the Instaseis Database containing subdirectories PZ and/or PX each containing a ``order_output.nc4`` file. :type db_path: str :param buffer_size_in_mb: Strain and displacement are buffered to avoid repeated disc access. Depending on the type of database and the number of components of the database, the total buffer memory can be up to four times this number. The optimal value is highly application and system dependent. :type buffer_size_in_mb: int, optional :param read_on_demand: Read several global fields on demand (faster initialization) or on initialization (slower initialization, faster in individual seismogram extraction, useful e.g. for finite sources, default). :type read_on_demand: bool, optional """ self.db_path = db_path self.buffer_size_in_mb = buffer_size_in_mb self.read_on_demand = read_on_demand def _get_element_info(self, coordinates): """ Find and collect/calculate information about the element containing the given coordinates. """ k_map = {"displ_only": 10, "strain_only": 1, "fullfields": 1} nextpoints = self.parsed_mesh.kdtree.query( [coordinates.s, coordinates.z], k=k_map[] ) # Find the element containing the point of interest. mesh = self.parsed_mesh.f["Mesh"] if == "displ_only": # Loop over multiple tolerances - this is mainly needed for # legacy regional databases that have small elements far from the # core. # These databases store coordinates in single precision which # results in accuracy issues for large numbers. # For good databases this should only always choose the first # tolerance thus there is not runtime cost. id_elem = None for tolerance in [1e-3, 1e-2, 5e-2, 8e-2]: for idx in nextpoints[1]: corner_points = np.empty((4, 2), dtype="float64") if not self.read_on_demand: corner_point_ids = self.parsed_mesh.fem_mesh[idx][:4] eltype = self.parsed_mesh.eltypes[idx] corner_points[:, 0] = self.parsed_mesh.mesh_S[ corner_point_ids ] corner_points[:, 1] = self.parsed_mesh.mesh_Z[ corner_point_ids ] else: corner_point_ids = mesh["fem_mesh"][idx][:4] # When reading from a netcdf file, the indices must be # sorted for newer netcdf versions. The double # argsort() gives the indices in the sorted array to # restore the original order. eltype = mesh["eltype"][idx] m_s = mesh["mesh_S"] m_z = mesh["mesh_Z"] corner_points[:, 0] = [ m_s[_i] for _i in corner_point_ids ] corner_points[:, 1] = [ m_z[_i] for _i in corner_point_ids ] isin, xi, eta = finite_elem_mapping.inside_element( coordinates.s, coordinates.z, corner_points, eltype, tolerance=tolerance, ) if isin: id_elem = idx break if id_elem is not None: break else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Element not found") if not self.read_on_demand: gll_point_ids = self.parsed_mesh.sem_mesh[id_elem] axis = bool(self.parsed_mesh.axis[id_elem]) else: gll_point_ids = mesh["sem_mesh"][id_elem] axis = bool(mesh["axis"][id_elem]) if axis: col_points_xi = self.parsed_mesh.glj_points col_points_eta = self.parsed_mesh.gll_points else: col_points_xi = self.parsed_mesh.gll_points col_points_eta = self.parsed_mesh.gll_points else: id_elem = nextpoints[1] col_points_xi = None col_points_eta = None gll_point_ids = None axis = None corner_points = None eltype = None xi = None eta = None return ElementInfo( id_elem=id_elem, gll_point_ids=gll_point_ids, xi=xi, eta=eta, corner_points=corner_points, col_points_xi=col_points_xi, col_points_eta=col_points_eta, axis=axis, eltype=eltype, ) @abstractmethod def _get_data( self, source, receiver, components, coordinates, element_info ): """ Has to be implemented by each implementation. Must return a dictionary with the keys being the components, and the values the corresponding data arrays. :param source: The source. :param receiver: The receiver. :param components: The requested components. :param coordinates: The coordinates in correct coordinates system. :param element_info: Information about the element containing the coordinates. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_seismograms(self, source, receiver, components=("Z", "N", "E")): """ Extract seismograms from a netCDF based Instaseis database. :type source: :class:`instaseis.source.Source` or :class:`instaseis.source.ForceSource` :param source: The source. :type receiver: :class:`instaseis.source.Receiver` :param receiver: The receiver. :type components: tuple :param components: The requests components. Any combinations of ``"Z"``, ``"N"``, ``"E"``, ``"R"``, and ``"T"`` """ if a, b = source, receiver else: a, b = receiver, source rotmesh_s, rotmesh_phi, rotmesh_z = rotations.rotate_frame_rd( a.x(, a.y(, a.z(, b.longitude, b.colatitude, ) coordinates = Coordinates(s=rotmesh_s, phi=rotmesh_phi, z=rotmesh_z) element_info = self._get_element_info(coordinates=coordinates) return self._get_data( source=source, receiver=receiver, components=components, coordinates=coordinates, element_info=element_info, ) def _get_strain_interp( # NOQA self, mesh, id_elem, gll_point_ids, G, GT, col_points_xi, col_points_eta, corner_points, eltype, axis, xi, eta, ): if id_elem not in mesh.strain_buffer: # Single precision in the NetCDF files but the later interpolation # routines require double precision. Assignment to this array will # force a cast. utemp = np.zeros( (mesh.ndumps, mesh.npol + 1, mesh.npol + 1, 3), dtype=np.float64, order="F", ) # The list of ids we have is unique but not sorted. ids = gll_point_ids.flatten() s_ids = np.sort(ids) mesh_dict = mesh.f["Snapshots"] # Load displacement from all GLL points. for i, var in enumerate(["disp_s", "disp_p", "disp_z"]): if var not in mesh_dict: continue # Make sure it can work with normal and transposed arrays to # support legacy as well as modern, transposed databases. time_axis = mesh.time_axis[var] # Chunk the I/O by requesting successive indices in one go - # this actually makes quite a big difference on some file # systems. chunks = helpers.io_chunker(s_ids) _temp = [] m = mesh_dict[var] if time_axis == 0: for _c in chunks: if isinstance(_c, list): _temp.append(m[:, _c[0] : _c[1]]) # NOQA else: _temp.append(m[:, _c]) else: for _c in chunks: if isinstance(_c, list): _temp.append(m[_c[0] : _c[1], :].T) # NOQA else: _temp.append(m[_c, :].T) _t = np.empty((_temp[0].shape[0], 25), dtype=_temp[0].dtype) k = 0 for _i in _temp: if len(_i.shape) == 1: _t[:, k] = _i k += 1 else: for _j in range(_i.shape[1]): _t[:, k + _j] = _i[:, _j] k += _j + 1 _temp = _t for ipol in range(mesh.npol + 1): for jpol in range(mesh.npol + 1): idx = ipol * 5 + jpol utemp[:, jpol, ipol, i] = _temp[ :, np.argwhere(s_ids == ids[idx])[0][0] ] strain_fct_map = { "monopole": sem_derivatives.strain_monopole_td, "dipole": sem_derivatives.strain_dipole_td, "quadpole": sem_derivatives.strain_quadpole_td, } strain = strain_fct_map[mesh.excitation_type]( utemp, G, GT, col_points_xi, col_points_eta, mesh.npol, mesh.ndumps, corner_points, eltype, axis, ) mesh.strain_buffer.add(id_elem, strain) else: strain = mesh.strain_buffer.get(id_elem) final_strain = np.empty((strain.shape[0], 6), order="F") for i in range(6): final_strain[:, i] = spectral_basis.lagrange_interpol_2D_td( col_points_xi, col_points_eta, strain[:, :, :, i], xi, eta ) if not mesh.excitation_type == "monopole": final_strain[:, 3] *= -1.0 final_strain[:, 5] *= -1.0 return final_strain def _get_strain(self, mesh, id_elem): if id_elem not in mesh.strain_buffer: strain_temp = np.zeros((, 6), order="F") mesh_dict = mesh.f["Snapshots"] for i, var in enumerate( [ "strain_dsus", "strain_dsuz", "strain_dpup", "strain_dsup", "strain_dzup", "straintrace", ] ): if var not in mesh_dict: continue # Make sure it can work with normal and transposed arrays to # support legacy as well as modern, transposed databases. time_axis = mesh.time_axis[var] if time_axis == 0: strain_temp[:, i] = mesh_dict[var][:, id_elem] else: # pragma: no cover # We don't have an example for this yet so we just raise # here for now - implementing it should just be a matter # of uncommenting the following line. # # strain_temp[:, i] = mesh_dict[var][id_elem, :] raise NotImplementedError # transform strain to voigt mapping # dsus, dpup, dzuz, dzup, dsuz, dsup final_strain = np.empty((, 6), order="F") final_strain[:, 0] = strain_temp[:, 0] final_strain[:, 1] = strain_temp[:, 2] final_strain[:, 2] = ( strain_temp[:, 5] - strain_temp[:, 0] - strain_temp[:, 2] ) final_strain[:, 3] = -strain_temp[:, 4] final_strain[:, 4] = strain_temp[:, 1] final_strain[:, 5] = -strain_temp[:, 3] mesh.strain_buffer.add(id_elem, final_strain) else: final_strain = mesh.strain_buffer.get(id_elem) return final_strain def _get_displacement( self, mesh, id_elem, gll_point_ids, col_points_xi, col_points_eta, xi, eta, ): if id_elem not in mesh.displ_buffer: utemp = np.zeros( (mesh.ndumps, mesh.npol + 1, mesh.npol + 1, 3), dtype=np.float64, order="F", ) mesh_dict = mesh.f["Snapshots"] # Load displacement from all GLL points. for i, var in enumerate(["disp_s", "disp_p", "disp_z"]): if var not in mesh_dict: continue # Make sure it can work with normal and transposed arrays to # support legacy as well as modern, transposed databases. time_axis = mesh.time_axis[var] # The netCDF Python wrappers starting with version 1.1.6 # disallow duplicate and unordered indices while slicing. So # we need to do it manually. # The list of ids we have is unique but not sorted. ids = gll_point_ids.flatten() s_ids = np.sort(ids) if time_axis == 0: temp = mesh_dict[var][:, s_ids] for ipol in range(mesh.npol + 1): for jpol in range(mesh.npol + 1): idx = ipol * 5 + jpol utemp[:, jpol, ipol, i] = temp[ :, np.argwhere(s_ids == ids[idx])[0][0] ] else: temp = mesh_dict[var][s_ids, :] for ipol in range(mesh.npol + 1): for jpol in range(mesh.npol + 1): idx = ipol * 5 + jpol utemp[:, jpol, ipol, i] = temp[ np.argwhere(s_ids == ids[idx])[0][0], : ] mesh.displ_buffer.add(id_elem, utemp) else: utemp = mesh.displ_buffer.get(id_elem) final_displacement = np.empty((utemp.shape[0], 3), order="F") for i in range(3): final_displacement[:, i] = spectral_basis.lagrange_interpol_2D_td( col_points_xi, col_points_eta, utemp[:, :, :, i], xi, eta ) return final_displacement def _get_info(self): """ Returns a dictionary with information about the currently loaded database. """ # Get the size of all netCDF files. filesize = 0 for m in self.meshes: if m: filesize += os.path.getsize(m.filename) if self._is_reciprocal: if hasattr(self.meshes, "merged"): # The number of dimensions determines the available components. dims = self.meshes.merged.f["MergedSnapshots"].shape[1] if dims == 5: components = "vertical and horizontal" elif dims == 3: components = "horizontal only" elif dims == 2: components = "vertical only" else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError elif self.meshes.pz is not None and self.meshes.px is not None: components = "vertical and horizontal" elif self.meshes.pz is None and self.meshes.px is not None: components = "horizontal only" elif self.meshes.pz is not None and self.meshes.px is None: components = "vertical only" else: components = "4 elemental moment tensors" return dict( is_reciprocal=self._is_reciprocal, components=components, source_depth=float(self.parsed_mesh.source_depth) if self._is_reciprocal is False else None, velocity_model=self.parsed_mesh.background_model, external_model_name=self.parsed_mesh.external_model_name, attenuation=self.parsed_mesh.attenuation, period=float(self.parsed_mesh.dominant_period), dump_type=self.parsed_mesh.dump_type, excitation_type=self.parsed_mesh.excitation_type, dt=float(self.parsed_mesh.dt), sampling_rate=float(1.0 / self.parsed_mesh.dt), npts=int(self.parsed_mesh.ndumps), nfft=int(next_pow_2(self.parsed_mesh.ndumps) * 2), length=float(self.parsed_mesh.dt * (self.parsed_mesh.ndumps - 1)), stf=self.parsed_mesh.stf_kind, src_shift=float(self.parsed_mesh.source_shift), src_shift_samples=int(self.parsed_mesh.source_shift_samp), slip=self.parsed_mesh.stf_norm, sliprate=self.parsed_mesh.stf_d_norm, spatial_order=int(self.parsed_mesh.npol), min_radius=float(self.parsed_mesh.kwf_rmin) * 1e3, max_radius=float(self.parsed_mesh.kwf_rmax) * 1e3, planet_radius=float(self.parsed_mesh.planet_radius), min_d=float(self.parsed_mesh.kwf_colatmin), max_d=float(self.parsed_mesh.kwf_colatmax), time_scheme=self.parsed_mesh.time_scheme, directory=os.path.relpath(self.db_path), filesize=filesize, compiler=self.parsed_mesh.axisem_compiler, user=self.parsed_mesh.axisem_user, format_version=int(self.parsed_mesh.file_version), axisem_version=self.parsed_mesh.axisem_version, datetime=self.parsed_mesh.creation_time, )